Embodiment Poster

This poster is a project by Zoe Kreye continuing a lineage of Unlearning Practices (with Catherine Grau) and made in collaboration with Annie Canto and Ateret Buchman.  This compilation of embodiment exercises collects the knowledge of those dedicating their lives to somatics as well as those of us striving for a deeper connection with our bodies in our everyday. The printing was generously supported by Emily Carr University of Art + Design, Vancouver Canada. You are welcome to download and share freely.

The sensations of the body are integral to our perception of the world and our sense of self. Often experienced below the level of consciousness our bodily awareness continuously inform the way we live our lives, our ethical and philosophic choices and our deepest understanding of who we are. Actively sensing our bodies encourages a shift from the efforts of doing to a yielding of being – a being that supports us to yield into the mystery that surrounds us. It is our hope that these investigations are an invitation that may point to the joy, wisdom and depth of awareness inherent in the simple acts of feeling, breathing, moving, touching and sensing.

Embodiment Poster – You are here to feel, 2019. Supported by Emily Carr University of Art + Design

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